Maison Claire Fontaine visits St George's School Windsor Castle

— 14 May 2021, 08:53 by Maison Claire Fontaine

St Georges School Windsor

We were very pleased to have played a small part in the French day organised for the children of St George's School Windsor by their brilliant teachers. A special thank you goes to Reya for writing such a lovely description of the day which you can read below. We were very sad not to be able to welcome her and her friends for their annual school trip to France. It looks like the divine chocolate eclair went some way to making up for everyone missing out - seems like that is some serious competition for us to match up to in the future.  


French day Newsletter By Reya (10)


French day on Friday, 30.4.2021 was an interesting experience. We started off by adding red, blue and white clothing to our school uniform. Some of my classmates wore wool berets, garlic garlands while others wore an exquisite scarf. Seeing all these outfits brightened my day and set a positive atmosphere for the rest of the class.


We started off with Latin, one of the foreign languages at school. Our teacher true to form remained in spirit speaking French for the whole lesson! It was a bit confusing, but in the end we all managed to get our work done. This was followed by P.E. We practised bowling in cricket. The equipment was spread out across the field but the colours were red, white, blue, the colours of the French flag. A lot of effort was put into making this fun.


After P.E we had break-time. We got madeleines for snack, they were scrumptious! The next lesson was music. In music we sang Frère Jacques which is a French nursery rhyme, we sang it in four different harmonies. 


At lunch we had a special meal, creamy cheese potatoes with bacon in it and a side of peas. For pudding there was a chocolate eclair filled with velvety cream, it was divine!


Our next lesson was French! During the lesson we had a zoom meeting with the owners of Maison Claire Fontaine and one of the French teachers called Johann. We asked Johann loads of questions, and we had to remember the answers as well, because there was a quiz afterwards! To finish off the day we had computing. We focused on our typing and at the end of the lesson we typed a story in French about a boy going to space. I felt this was a wonderful way to end the lesson and our school day.


Overall, the day was fun and an amazing alternative to our French trip. Everyone had fun and all the teachers put in effort for each of our lessons to have a French theme. Though everyone was sad we couldn’t go on the trip, what replaced it was an exciting day with lots of interesting activities.

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