Maison Claire Fontaine H&S Policy
This policy is set out to comply with the letter and spirit of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999 and any other relevant legislation including appropriate French guidance. These provisions are regarded as minimum requirements.
The company directors, Alex and Mark Elliott are responsible for the management of all health and safety matters within Maison Claire Fontaine. All MCF staff are responsible for ensuring that they work in a manner which is safe to themselves and to others, and to comply with the relevant requirements of this policy.
General Health and Safety Information
At Maison Claire Fontaine we believe passionately in the creation of a safe and appropriate learning environment for all our visitors. This means we always take the safety and well being of our guests seriously and strive constantly to put this principal into practical effect wherever possible.
All sports and activities have some sort of inherent risk, with some more obvious than others. We aim to minimise these risks with careful planning, awareness and the identification and elimination or reduction of potential hazards.
All MCF staff are trained to be conversant with the risk assessments and operational procedures for the activities and excursions that they are leading. These procedures are reviewed each week to take into account the individual needs of particular groups.
We ask that visiting staff also make themselves aware of the risk assessments and operational procedures and the role that they have in supporting MCF staff to ensure the safety and well being of their pupils.
Fire Drill and Evacuation Procedures
Fire drill procedures will be explained to all visiting staff and pupils on their arrival. All staff and pupils are asked to familiarise themselves with the location of fire doors and fire exits as well as fire alarm call points and will be shown the nearest meeting point. Visiting staff must make themselves aware of the procedures for evacuation and the lead teacher will be shown the fire alarm system in order to manage the alarm if it were to go off over night. A full fire drill will take place on the first evening.
Health and Safety Policies and Risk Assessments
The detailed health and safety policies for each of our sites are available to download below, together with risk assessments. It is essential that these are read and understood by both MCF and visiting staff and implemented at all times.
Last reviewed by Alex Hardy and Mark Elliott , 26/2/20
MCF Risk Assessments January 2020 | Download file (442 KB pdf) |
Health and Safety Policy 2020 Meluzien | Download file (37 KB pdf) |