Back at home
Now you are back we don’t want you to forget all the French you learnt whilst you were with us at Maison Claire Fontaine.
That is why we have created this page so that you can find all the vocabulary and the phrases that you used in all the activities as well as some activities to remind you of your visit.
You can watch a video of Jess making the fabulous BOURGOGNE TARTOUILLAT and we have included a copy of the recipe for you to download. We hope you enjoy cooking it at home and sharing it with family and friends. We would love to see some photographs if you have them.
We also have videos about the Chateau de Bussy-Rabutin, free time activities and of course, the Maison Claire Fontaine dance !
We hope you enjoy the activities and they help to bring back fond memories of your visit.
Please also write to us with your feedback. As you can see from our website, we love to have comments from you and share them with new groups who are coming to visit.
And ... don't forget, if you are going on to study French in the future, please contact us if you are interested in joining the MCF team in the future.
We look forward to hearing from you !
Vocabulary | Download file (440 KB pdf) |
Recette du tartouillat | Download file (166 KB pdf) |