Trip preparation
We understand all the hard work, organisation and worrying that goes on in the background and what an important element you are in the success of the week. We also understand that you may feel rather drowned by paperwork so our aim is to explain to you here the importance and the value we place on the information you send to us.
Medical and Dietary Requirements
In order for us to look after your son or daughter safely and with due care and attention it is essential that you complete a comprehensive and accurate medical form. This may be the MCF form or it may be a version specifically written by your school. Your school staff are ‘loco parentis’ whilst in Burgundy so are responsible for administering any medicines or decisions on general medical issues as required. However we also feel that it is important that our staff are aware of any particular dietary or medical needs within the group. We do discuss and consider any possible changes to our procedures and risk assessments for activities and excursions each week in the light of the information we have been given. We therefore ask that you take time to complete these forms as accurately as possible and in plenty of time to enable the school to collate and pass the information on to us.
We also ask your school to give us details of any dietary requirements to enable our chef to prepare for all food allergy and religious considerations. Once again it is important that you ensure all the information given is accurate. We take any reporting of food allergies extremely seriously and as a result we ask that you only make reference to allergies where they are a genuine medical condition rather than just a food preference or dislike. We are keen to ensure all our visitors have plenty to eat and enjoy what they eat so we will try to be as flexible as we can. One of the most enjoyable parts of a trip to somewhere different is sampling the different tastes that are on offer locally and we want to ensure that everyone who is able can try good Burgundy gastronomy.
Packing List
Please do feel free to download a copy of our suggested packing list and use our weather link to give you an idea of what we are expecting (although we should say that French Meteo reports can be as unreliable as their English counterparts.)
Our main request for special clothing is if your son or daughter is in a group that will be kayaking during their week. Please ensure you pack a set of clothes that do not matter if they get wet because they will. This should include an old pair of trainers or wet shoes . For safety reasons neither flip flops or crocs are not allowed for this activity.
If a restaurant meal is included in the week it may be nice to include some smarter clothes to wear but apart from that please remember that we are in the middle of the French countryside so comfortable and sensible clothes are the main order of the day.
Practising French
If you would like to help your son or daughter practise their French in preparation for their trip we have also included some suggestions for conversations. Please note that when they are with us all requests during meal times for extra food or permission to go to the toilet will be required in French so that may be a good place to start.
We welcome your feedback on this section of the website as well as your thoughts when your son or daughter returns from their visit to us. Please feel free to contact us by email at any time.
Packing list | Download file (1.8 MB docx) |
Des questions pour les repas | Téléchargez le document (1.9 MB docx) |
Questions pour mes amis et ma famille | Download file (90 KB pdf) |