"Dear MCF, I would like to thank you all, (a special mention to Elodie). My son Luke Barry Twickenham Prep has just returned from MCF, he has had a fantastic week with you all. Many thanks for making his stay at Maison Claire Fontaine such a memorable and unforgettable one. He enjoyed every activity enormously-kayaking, circus, sculpting, cooking, the excursions to name just a few. He's even asked if he could have escargot next week for tea-so the food was equally delicious. Its the longest time he's ever spent away from home, yet he felt very comfortable at MCF. You really are a great team and do a wonderful job! A big thanks too to Brian the coach driver whom accompanied them on every activity." Mia Barry, Parent from Twickenham Prep School
"Thank you so much for all the hard work and effort you have put in during our stay at MCF. The lesson content was top quality. So much so, the pupils have presented (in French) to the rest of the school in our Headmaster`s assembly things they have done in MCF. With hardly any help from the teachers, they spent a week putting themselves in market group, meal table and managed to write about things they have done in MCF. I am still amazed that they retained all the vocab they have picked up and they are now less reluctant to use their target language." Maimouna Cisse from Papplewick School
"It has been wonderful to see the students really come out of themselves and grow in confidence over the week . We have really enjoyed our stay and I for one am already looking forward to our return trip next year - à la prochaine !" Vikki Knight, Twycross School
"With very best wishes & also a VERY BIG THANK YOU for giving Molly & her year group a FABULOUS trip to France. Memories & experiences that will remain with them & set them up for life." Louise, parent from Westbourne House School
"The French lessons were GREAT in cosy French classrooms." Charlie, Pupil at Merchant Taylors School
"It is times and days like these that you truly get to experience friendship and enjoyment together." Prinay, Pupil at Merchant Taylors School
"On s’est bien amusé comme d’habitude et nous avons profité des excellents cours de Français. Une bienvenue chaleureuse, des sourires, aucune soupire (sauf quand on vous laisse ici en Bourgogne !). Merci pour tout." Des profs et élèves de Westbourne House
"I had the most wonderful time at MCF. It was the best school trip ever ! When I first arrived, everybody was so welcoming and kind, which made me feel right at home. In fact, the whole week , I didn’t miss my family at all, because I was having so much fun !' Lauren, Pupil at North London Collegiate School
"The staff, the surroundings, the food , the activities, everything was fantastic and our group of 80+ girls thoroughly enjoyed their week in Burgundy. They learnt how to live in a group, improved and practiced their French and gained tons of confidence in the trees and on the water. À l’année prochaine !" Yolande Rabet + Co., Channing School, London
"My time at Maison Claire Fontaine was memorable. The dorms were cosy and warm, my blanket was comfy and the sheets were fresh and crisp on the first night, I slept so well. Clean, hot showers to wake me up every morning. Breakfast was delicious, crispy bread and golden cereal with a choice of jam or chocolate spread. Lunch was bliss and dinner you wouldn’t want to miss !" Dorothy, Pupil at North London Collegiate School
"Merci beaucoup , Alex et Mark, pour un accueil des plus chaleureux , et votre générosité sans pareil. Les élèves se sont très bien amusés, et nous espérons vous voir de nouveau l’année prochaine. Nous attendons notre visite avec impatience ! Merci bien." Sylvie Marshall Twickenham Prep School
"The location of this place is unbelievable; one of the best views I’ve seen." Jack, Pupil at Merchant Taylors School
"I have enjoyed France more than I thought I would." Elliott, Pupil at Merchant Taylors School
"As a non-teacher I have been very impressed with the set up, and only wish it had been running when I was a student. Had a fab, relaxing time in the beautiful rolling French countryside." Rob Knight, Twycross School
"Merci beaucoup pour tout. L’accueil est fantastique et c’est toujours un plaisir de venir ici. À la prochaine." Julie Llorca, Lochinver House Preparatory School
"We had parents’ evening for the 4th formers last week and both parents and pupils were still talking of the trip ! Thank you very much for all your dedication and your kindness." Frederick Vignal, Merchant Taylors School
"I also want to thank David, for his wonderful cooking – Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. I really loved my experience at Maison Claire Fontaine and how you made the dorms so homely. I wish I could come back next year ! Thank you Maison Claire Fontaine." Lindsey, Pupil at North London Collegiate School
"I greatly enjoyed my stay in Maison Claire Fontaine, and will always remember it. I loved everything about it. I thought the domritories and the bunk beds were wonderful, the food was delicious, the ping-pong, table football and swings were amazing fun and really added something to my stay, and I even loved the showers !" Vanina, Pupil at North London Collegiate School
David’s cooking skills are excellent ! The meals every day were delicious. Some meals even better than my Mum ! Emily, Pupil at North London Collegiate School
I went to France not being very good at French, but I came away feeling almost fluent at the language. Without Elodie, I would not have enjoyed and learnt as much French as I have. We also played some games with her which required us to speak French which were all very exciting. Emily, Pupil at North London Collegiate School
The French lessons were a lot of fun and I particularly enjoyed the games we played in them and I was surprised that I was able to order something from a French market. Daniella, North London Collegiate School
Thank you so much for a fantastic week at Maison Claire Fontaine. We have created some amazing memories with you that we will never forget. You made some amazing lessons that we loved. All of Aberdour years 7 and 8
I have been so excited about this trip for such a long time - it's unbelievable to think it's all over ! Our week here exceeded our expectations in so many ways. The organisation was so excellent, the activities were pitched perfectly and the kids had a truly outstanding experience. Our staff had a throroughly enjoyable time and are wondering why we have to go back so soon ! I absolutely cannot wait to come back here next year and do this all again ! A bientôt ! Sogol Mahvelati, Fielding Primary School
"I feel like I have learnt so much French over my short stay and I liked how French was incorporated into everything. The lessons were always fun and enjoyable." Sasha, pupil at North London Collegiate School
"What I think really made our stay the best was the facilities and the staff. The dormitories and bathrooms were absolutely spotless and the staff and teachers were so caring." Sarah, pupil at North London Collegiate School
"J’aime les dortoirs parce que ils sont confortable et spacieux. Aussi, j’aime les tableaux sur le mur." Sophia, pupil at North London Collegiate School
"I could never be bored at Maison Claire Fontaine, there was so much to do in your free time. The swings were really fun, after meals we would race to them as fast as possible ! I enjoyed playing against my friends at babyfoot and table tennis even though I can’t play either !" Georgia, Pupil at North London Collegiate School
"Bonjour tout le monde! Je m'appelle Sophie et l'année dernière je suis allée à MCF avec ma classe et mes professeurs. A mon avis c'était le début de ma passion pour la langue et la culture. A MCF j'ai appris beaucoup de grammaire et vocabulaire utiles.
Je voulais apprendre autant je pouvais, et parler anglais le moins possible afin de pouvoir être en immersion complète dans ce pays. J'ai trouvé que le voyage était super, très enrichissant et après que je sois revenue en Angleterre, je voulais vraiment retourner en France ! Donc pour l'échange j'ai décidé d'aller dans un collège français. Par hasard ma tante vit en France, donc j'acheté un billet d'avion et j'ai commencé au collège le 22 Février. Chaque jour je parlais seulement en français et je prenais toutes mes leçons en français.
Plus je passais de temps avec des locaux, plus je parlais, je comprenais, et je pensais en français. Je me suis fait beaucoup d'amis et je me suis bien amusée. Et enfin, je sais que c'est difficile d'apprendre une langue mais il faut continuer à pratiquer et étudier, il faut persévérer, parce que parler une langue étrange est très spécial, et peut donner beaucoup d'opportunités. Je vous souhaite le meilleur voyage." Sophie – Windermere School
"Thank you so much for looking after the boys for the past few days. Daniel returned suitably exhausted but enthusing about everything he had done in France and the wonderful staff at MCF. Daniel certainly seems to have enjoyed himself and has come home feeling more confident understanding spoken French. He will have lots of fond memories of you - he's already mentioned the opportunities for GAP year/Uni students so you've had quite an impact - we'll see what time brings . . . Best Wishes and thanks again." Philippa Smith, Parent from Bedford School
"I have to admit that I was worried that the food wouldn’t be nice because on previous school trips it wasn’t great, and that’s all I’m going to say ! But the food here was delicious and I liked how there was a different meal at every meal time." Ashlin, pupil at North London Collegiate School
J'adore MCF, c'est une très belle maison ! I have had a brilliant time here and will never forget the lovely times I've had here. I LOVED the lessons they were so much fun. The circus was so AMAZING and I loved the trapeze. It has been the BEST trip ever. Merci beaucoup ! Maja, Year 6 Pupil at Holy Cross Preparatory School
MCF was amazing, I will remember it forever ! I have become much more confident in French. I really loved the kayaking. Thank you ! Matthew, Year 6 pupil at St Edwards
Another amazing week at MCF with an outstanding team. The girls really loved all the activities, especially the French lessons. You have managed to make some students speak French all the time and they got so much out of it. Again, the organisation, the choice of activities were extraordinary – thanks so much again and definitely coming back next year! Ninette Mostefai, Ricards Lodge High School
What a wonderful week we had ! You have ticked every box in the book when it comes to activities, learning, hosting and attention to detail. Our children from St Thomas More have enjoyed every moment in the trip and have grown fonder of the language and what the country has to offer. Many thanks for the fabulous time you have provided. We will come again to stay with our new-found MCF family. Alia Mullan, St Thomas More
Quelle semaine! Ma première expérience à vos côtés a été fabuleuse et voir les enfants si heureux prouve que vous faites un excellent travail. En espérant vous voir bientôt! Tiphaine Monsauret, Cheam School
This was our first trip to MCF and we have all agreed this has been our best residential trip ever. The girls have learnt so much and it has been wonderful to watch their confidence grow. They have loved every activity and enjoyed every moment. As staff we have been so well looked after we almost forgot we were working! This has been a wonderful adventure and we have loved discovering Burgundy. Gabrielle Solti, South Hampstead High School Junior Department
At last we have found you and your team, the best kept secret destination in France for educational visits. You have brought to life a little idea I had to reflect our own ethos and values at Ardingly College Prep in an authentic French context.
Little did I envisage how much you would immerse yourselves in planning and devising a detailed programme based on our own values of being generous, curious, adventurous and ingenious. We have loved every minute of the week with each and every section proving to be stimulating and engaging for all concerned.
When I asked the children to mention their ‘highlight’ of the week, they ranged from kayaking to circus skills, mosaics to the town trail at Avallon. However, the performance you all put on at the Château d Bazoches was truly exceptional and what was really apparent was that you loved delivering what you had so meticulously planned, just as much as our children were in awe at the whole experience.
Thank you all for a truly memorable week as we leave you, happy in the knowledge that each child has spoken and understood more French than ever which we can now build on in the classroom at school. MERCI!! Suzie Cleere, Ardingly Preparatory School
Voici la fin de notre 12ème visite et comme d’habitude nous sommes enchantés des résultats. Comme d’habitude, les garçons ont adore aussi bien les cours que les activités. MCF comme toujours est un endroit genial pour toute une semaine d’immersion. Gros merci encore pour tout et à l’année prochaine!! Maïmouna Cissé, Papplewick
Once again, a fabulous week at MCF. Thanks to the winning formula of lessons and activities. It all ran seamlessly and a wonderful time was had by all students and staff. We look forward to next year. Rickmansworth School
Thank you for teaching me lots of French, the progress I have made is extraordinary. The escargots are delicious; I have always wanted to try them. Merci MCF. Gianluca, Year 8 Pupil at Burnham Grammar School
I’m so grateful for my time here at MCF. I have learnt and developed my French a lot and the things I experienced will really impact my future. Thank you for the memories and good times. I will treasure them. Merci! Koko , Pupil at Ricards Lodge
Thank you so much for a brilliant week ! I can't wait till I actually speak really good French and maybe take it on for A level ! I absolutely loved the archery and all the other activities. Hope I see you again . Thank you so much. Vinnie , pupil at Westbourne House School
Thank you so much for my AMAZING week here at MCF. You are all so kind and my french has improved massively. I enjoyed all the activities with my favourite the visit to the Chateau de Bussy Rabutin. Thank you for everything. Alice, pupil at South Hampstead High School
My experience at MCF was very enjoyable and fantastic. My time here had been brilliant as it taught me to speak better French. Everyone here was so welcoming and caring . Our time here has brought many friends closer together. Thank you for the wonderful experience. Daraniyaa, Year 10 pupil at Rickmansworth School
I was so nervous before I arrived here but now I don't want to leave ! It has been an amazing week that I will never forget. I have learnt so much and a small part of MCF will always be in me . Thank you SO much. Mima, Year 7 pupil at Cheam School
Dear MCF, J'adore the French trip. It was GÉNIAL ! I particularly enjoyed the tree climbing, the orienteering and the trip to the French restaurant. Merci beaucoup to all the staff at MCF ! Jacob, Year 7 Pupil from Fulham Prep School
Dear MCF , Thank you for my experience , I have really enjoyed the activities such as archery and high ropes. I really hope that future generations will appreciate the opportunity they have here at MCF. Merci beaucoup ! Luca, Year 9 Pupil from Berkhamsted School
The experiences I had during these 4 days were absolutely fantastic. I loved it so much. I enjoyed all the activities especially the mosaic activity. I also enjoyed the taste of absolutely brilliant french food. Just to say thank you ! David, Year 7 Pupil from Pilgrims' School
These days have been inspiring, interesting and fun. From the visit to Vezelay and seeing the basilica and crypt and the view, to buying lunch in the market. And here the accommodation, ping pong, film and the mosaics. Thank you to all the staff for creating the memories. Monty, pupil at The Pilgrims' school
Cher Maison Claire Fontaine, Merci pour la visite , c’était génial ! This trip has been amazing. All my friends and I are very sad to be leaving so soon. A huge thank you from me for all the MCF team. Thank you for the amazing activities, the amazing food and most of all the amazing French. J'ADORE MCF !! Merci beaucoup ! Simon, Year 7 Pupil at St Paul's Cathedral School
Thank you so much for the most unforgettable week I have had. I have never been away from my parents this long but with all the activities and amazing staff I soon forgot about them ! J'ai appris beaucoup de choses et je me suis bien amusée. Thank you! Tilly, Year 7 Pupil at Cheam School
The effort and the times has been excellent and above and beyond anything I have ever imagined or stayed in. Thank you SO much to everyone who has helped us to advance our French and given us a magical, wonderful experience. Thank you for welcoming us into such a wonderful MCF family. Merci beaucoup. Zach, pupil at Lochinver House School
Thank you very much for taking care of us and I will never forget the joy and all the good memories that Maison Claire Fontaine has given us. It is also such a nice and cosy place to stay. Merci beaucoup ! Hugo, Year 7 Pupil at Papplwick school
Merci beaucoup pour la bonne expérience! I love it here so much that I want to live here. I will definitely come back. I think you have definitely changed my perspective on French language and opened my eyes to more opportunities. I don’t want to leave but I have to, thank you so much, everyone in the team is inspirational. Kim, pupil at St Thomas More School
My time here has been one of the best I’ve had. It has brought me closer to my friends and has given me one of my first tastes of independence. Maison Claire Fontaine will always have a special place in my heart and I thank you for making my time here so enjoyable. Thanks again! Rhea, Year 7 pupils at Cheam School
Thank you for a fantastic stay at MCF, and tons of fun memories. I’ve really enjoyed my stay here, and all the activities were ‘génial’! Everyone was extremely kind. Chiara, year 6 pupil at South Hampstead Prep School
I have loved every second of my being here and it has all been so amazing! Just keep doing what you are doing because everyone loves it! And it makes everyone who comes here feel so proud to be a part of the Great MCF experience! Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOO much for being the best and making this trip sooo insane! ‘Formidable!’ Finn, Year 7 pupil at St Paul's Cathedral School
Another amazing stay! Thank you so much for everything! The itinerary was perfect and we so appreciate your efforts with the French school. What an amazing day! The girls had a fabulous time and their French has blossomed! The sun was shining and they loved your beautiful grounds. Thank you for everything and all the best for the year ahead! A l’année prochaine!! Mille fois merci! Joanna Humberston, Holy Cross Prep School
Un grand grand merci pour cette superbe semaine et pour organiser la journée à Dijon…c’était vraiment chouette!! Nous avons tous adore! Merci. Emmanuelle Koeb, Streatham and Clapham Prep School
Thank you all very much for the great experience you have given the boys over the past few days. Seeing the effort and progress they make here makes me feel we should take them out of the classroom more! It is such an authentic French experience for them, and indeed for the staff – life-long learning for all! Merci et à l’année prochaine! Aylesbury Grammar School
Thank you, yet again, for a wonderful week in beautiful Burgundy. It has been our best week ever! As I said this evening, we have seen every single one of our children grow in a variety of ways, and we are so proud and incredibly grateful to you all for such a breathtaking range of opportunities to do so. For us, it’s not just about the French – it’s about a moment in time, a formative experience, the broadening of horizons…and we could not think of a better way to achieve it. St Edward's Cheltenham
Thank you for an enjoyable stay once again! The boys had a tremendous week and will take some wonderful memories away with them back home. A special thank you to the MCF team of teachers who really went the extra mile to provide our students with an amazing set of activities! Nicolas Soltysik, Homefield Preparatory School
Thank you so much for giving the children a wonderful week in your beautiful centre in such stunning surroundings. They have learnt new French, new life skills and had so much fun. A l’année prochaine! Twickenham Prep School
Alex, Mark et toute l’équipe à MCF, je vous remercie énormément. What a tremendous week! I was desperate to get this going with my school and I can honestly say the kids have had the most exciting, rewarding week which will stay with them for the rest of their lives & hopefully plant a love of France within them. Immaculately planned & led – amazingly thought-out activities & what superb what superb food & what a gorgeous location Lac Sauvin is! Gareth Hobbs, Burnham Grammar School
Thank you so much for being so welcoming and accommodating this week. As a geography teacher, I was a bit apprehensive, but all of the staff have been really supportive and encouraging at all times. The activities are so varied and interesting, giving the students the chance to learn about culture as well as language. he students have enjoyed a life-enhancing experience! Tom, Geography teacher at Burnham Grammar School
Words aren’t enough to describe the enjoyment and lifelong memories you have given me. I really think this trip has massively improved my understanding of French and French culture. The fun I had is incomparable to any other experience. The teachers were so NICE and caring. Thank you again for the experience. Seun, year 7 pupil at Willington School
I absolutely had a blast this week and made memories that will last forever. I made new friendships and made existing ones stronger. I have exceeded hugely in French and done and said more than I ever thought I would. My favourite activity was kayaking as it was extremely funny. A huge thank you! Shimmy, pupil at Ardingly Prep School
This trip has been absolutely incredible. I cannot thank all the staff that have worked so hard for this enough. I can guarantee I will remember this forever. Thank you! Josh, Year 8 pupils at Windermere School
Thank you so much for all of your help - you really inspired me to push myself and do new things. Everyone was so kind and patient with my French and if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t know half of the French vocabulary that I know now. I made so many memories that I can’t count them, so a big thank you from me. Kate, year 6 pupil at Streatham and Clapham Prep School
Dear all of the wonderful staff at MCF, I immensely enjoyed my time here and have made so many wonderful memories (like the memories Alex talked about) and hope one day to come back to MCF and help other children like me to find and enrich a love for France. The meals and activities were so tasty or fun and this is one trip I will never forget. Thank you so much for making this such a wonderful trip and I am so grateful. Chloe, pupil at Holy Cross Prep School
This week has changed me forever. You’ve shaken me up, made me jump up and you’ve made me very tired – very tired. Oh, and that was only at the disco! I feel a lot more French and I feel like one big family with all my friends. A foreign country has never felt so much like home – that’s what I was calling the dorm. I have made so many lasting memories with all my friends. I will never forget this wonderful week. Thank you. Cordelia, year 6 pupil at Twickenham prep school
My week has been full of the most fabulous days of my life ! MCF has been so kind and helplful. I would love to visit again. Emily, Pupil at Streatham and Clapham Prep School
Thank you MCF ! I have made a lot of new memories here. Especially of all the places we have visited like Vézelay, Guédelon and many others....Thankyou for the best experience of a school trip ever. I love all the staff here ! Mathis, pupil at St Dunstan's Junior School
Il va sans dire que nous avons eu une semaine in oubliable pour une variée de raisons. Premièrement, après avoir arrivé, immédiatement vous nous avons fait sentir chez nous ! Aussi nous avons trouvé les activités très amusants, surtout faire de la cuisine ! Grace a vous, j’ai eu l’occasion de parler beaucoup de français et franchement, j’ai gagné plus de confiance en moi . Bonne chance a l’avenir et merci beaucoup. Amy, Year 12 pupil at the Hertfordshire and Essex High School
Merci beaucoup pour un séjour fantastique. Vous vous êtes bien occupés de nous et nos élèves, qui ont fait de progrès excellent. Nous avons beaucoup apprécié la découverte de votre belle région et les chasses au trésor étaient très bien planifiées. L’équipe de MCF a été très gentille et patiente avec nos filles ... ce que je peux constater c’est que toutes nos filles comprennent mieux la langue française et ont plus de confiance en soi. Merci ! The Hertfordshire and Essex High School
Difficile de trouver les mots !! une expression vient en tête …. « HYPER MORTEL !!!! » As I said tonight, every year I think it can get no better, and then it does !!! The teaching is inspirational and it has been wonderful to see our pupils lose their inhibitions and learn so much that is new. It is an experience they will never forget. MCF, vous êtes la meilleurs des écoles, où on s’amuse , on apprend, on fait des amis … It really has been the best of times and we cannot wait to come back next year. Vous nous manquerez énormément. À bientôt, à plus, à la prochaine ! Deborah Dalzell, Windermere School
Thank you all for an amazing week ! The students had a fantastic time and learned so much both linguistically and culturally thanks to the many wonderful activities you organized for us.
Seeing students’ confidence grow and hearing them speak French on their own clearly shows you have found a winning formula at MCF and we hope we will be able to build on this next year when the students start year 11.
As we told you in person , this has been the most relaxing and enjoyable school trip we have ever been on and that is due to the enthusiasm, organization and energy of your whole team.
Looking forward to seeing you all again with next year’s year 10 !
À l’année prochaine !
Teachers from Rickmansworth School
Thank you so much for all that you have done for us this past week. It has been extremely fun and I have enjoyed every last moment of it. All the staff have been so kind and welcoming and have made this week brilliant. You have gifted me with memories that I will cherish for a long long time, and for that I thank you all so much for making this week truly amazing. James, Year 7 Pupil at Sandroyd School
...the performance you all put on for us at the Château de Bazoches was truly exceptional and what was really apparent was that you loved delivering what you had so meticulously planned, just as much as our children were in awe of the whole experience.
Thank you all for a truly memorable week as we leave you , happy in the knowledge that each child has spoken and understood more French than ever which we can now build on in the classroom at school. MERCI !!! Suzie Cleere, Ardingly Prep School
Comme toujours, merci pour tout! J’ai du mal a imaginer une meilleure expérience linguistique pour les enfants. Le ‘French trip’ semble toujours être l’un des plus beaux souvenirs des élèves à Cheam.
Merci pour tous vos efforts , votre travail, votre patience et tout simplement votre amour pour votre métier. On se revoit l’année prochaine!
Tiphaine Monsauret, Cheam School
J’aime bien MCF on apprend des choses en Anglais. On fait de la cuisine, de la mosaïque et des jeux en Anglais. Dans les récréations on peut faire de la balançoire et du babi foot, il y a des tables de ping pong. Les enseignants sont très gentils. I love you MCF ! My favourite activity is the outside games. Thank you ! Jeanne, Cussy-les-forges
J’ai bien aimé la mosaïque. J’ai bien aimé la course de crêpes. I tried lemon and sugar pancakes and I like it. Eva
J’ai adore aller a MCF. J’ai appris beaucoup de choses on m’amusant en anglais. My favourite activity was the mosaic. Thank you ! Mila
Thank you so much for an amazing week, I have never learnt so much French in my life. The activities you provided pushed me as a leader, friend and linguist. I will always remember facing my fear of heights on the tree climbing. Thank you for this amazing experience. Lily , Year 8 pupil at St Mary's School Cambridge
Merci beaucoup pour cette immersion en anglais. Je pense que les élèves ont très apprécié leur séjour. Toutes les activités proposées ont eu du succès. Les professeurs MCF leur ont donné envie de se surpasser.
Mark et Alex, vous avez gardé de bons souvenirs de vos voyages en France . Je pense que le pari est réussi car les élèves français gardent un très bon souvenir de leur immersion a Maison Claire Fontaine. Preuve en est , les grands frères ou grandes sœurs qui sont déjà venus donnent l’envie au petit frère ou petites sœur de venir.
Bref ! Merci encore pour cette petite parenthèse anglaise en plein cœur de la Bourgogne. Chaque fois c’est le même effet, nous avons l’impression que le temps est suspendu….
À l’année prochaine ! Amelie Girard, enseignante Collège Henri Morat
"For me, the highlight of the trip was the tree adventure because I had never done it before and I loved the scary but exciting heights. My favourite part was the enormous zip wire at the end of the blue level." Arielle Lande , Pupil at North London Collegiate School
Chère équipe MCF
Merci pour cette parenthèse anglaise au cœur de la Bourgogne. C’est toujours un plaisir de revenir ici. Nos élèves souhaitent toujours rester plus longtemps et repartent avec le sourire ! Votre accueil, votre gentillesse et votre dynamisme sont les piliers de ces séjours riches en apprentissage.
A l’année prochaine !
Johann Gresse, enseignant Collège Henri Morat
C’était super cette expérience a améliorer mon anglais grâce à tout le monde. Lamy, Collège St Joseph
Merci pour cette formidable semaine. J’ai énormément envie de revenir . Gros bisous a tous les animateurs. Louna, Collège St Joseph
Nous avons passé une journée mémorable, les élèves ont adoré et nous sommes enchantés.
Merci beaucoup à toute l'équipe, je ne manquerai pas de reprendre contact avec vous pour une prochaine expérience.
Sandrine Savart, Collège Jean Bertin
J’adore aller a Maison Claire Fontaine. I like doing mosaic. My favourite activity was the pancake race. Lison, Cussy-les-forges
Merci énormément pour c’est 3 jours de folis, j’ai adoré. I love you Maison Claire Fontaine ! Lyna, Collège St Joseph
Merci MCF. Je me suis bien amusé pendant ses 3 jours car on ne soit jamais ennuyer. J’ai bien aimé la mosaïque. Maxime, Collège Henri Morat
Merci pour cette parenthèse anglaise au cœur de la Bourgogne. C’est toujours un plaisir de revenir ici. Nos élèves souhaitent toujours rester plus longtemps et repartent avec le sourire! Votre accueil, votre gentillesse et votre dynamisme sont les piliers de ces séjours riches en apprentissages. A l’année prochaine, j’espère ! Johann, Collège Henri Morat
Chère équipe MCF, c’est chaque fois un plaisir de revenir chez vous… L’année prochaine je souhaite vraiment que mon fils puisse venir pour profiter de cette magnifique expérience qui donne envie, aux petits comme aux grands , d’apprendre votre langue.
Je ne vous dis pas <<Adieu>> mais <<Au Revoir>> dans l’espoir de pouvoir revenir un jour. Anne-Bé , Collège Henri Morat
Merci beaucoup . Mon activité préféré c’est cooking. Je vous conseille de rester souriant de rester humble et surtout , amusez-vous ! Lilas, Collège Henri Morat
J’adore MCF car j’aime qu’on apprenne l’anglais. J’adore la mosaique et la course de pancakes. I love you MCF because I love that we learn English. Jess and Johann are very nice. My favourite language is English. Léa, Cussy-les-forges
Encore merci, à toi et toute l'équipe de la Maison Claire Fontaine, pour cette belle journée ! Les enfants sont ravis !!!! Je t'apporterai dès que possible les remerciements des enfants...
A bientôt
Virginie Sautreau, l’école de St.Magnance
Merci MCF : J’ai adoré ce séjour a MCF . Je me suis beaucoup amusé et rit. J’ai bien aimer l’arrivée de la reine Elizabeth II en carton. Bref….merci !!!!! Shana, Collège Henri Morat
J’adore MCF parce que au moins tu apprends de l’anglais, comme ça si un anglais pose des questions tu peux lui répondre. Tu apprends vraiment beaucoup de choses. I like doing mosaic. I tried lemon and sugar pancakes and did not like it ! Trop trop bien ! Emma, Cussy-les-forges
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