Méluzien site
Situated just two hours south of Paris we are an easy day’s coach journey from England with arrivals always made in time for an evening meal and a leg stretch. All external activities and cultural excursions that we arrange for you are nearby making it a perfect base for a trip without spending many hours on the coach.
As an old café and restaurant, known for years as the Hotel de Deux Ponts after the two bridges it sits opposite, the centre creates a tranquil and very safe rural setting for your trip.
The site itself consists of 2 main buildings which enclose a large outside area that provides the perfect space for ball games during free time. This space also has table tennis tables, baby foot tables and the ever popular swings.
All the pupils are accommodated within one building which also houses the kitchen and eating areas. Lessons and activities take place in three indoor classroom spaces within the 2 buildings and 1 outdoor classroom space.