This is often one of the highlights of the week and involves a visit to a local market. Pupils are given a budget to spend as a group and are required to purchase their own food for lunch. They return to Maison Claire Fontaine to prepare their feast, make an oral presentation of their choice in French and then eat it ! As everyone likes a competition, accompanying teachers have the hard task of deciding the winning team. This is a fabulous activity, providing the opportunity for real life interaction with French market traders and has direct relevance for every future trips to France.
Le vocabulaire
Pour l'entrée nous avons acheté ... |
Pour le plat nous avons préparé ... |
Pour le dessert nous allons manger ... |
Ce matin nous avons visité ... |
A mon avis .... |
Je pense que ... |
Je crois que... |
Selon moi ... |
C'est bon pour la santé ! |
Miam miam ! |
Ça donne la pêche ! |
C’est plein de vitamines ! |